Detective Agency in Noida

Noida is at the epicenter of New Delhi, Ghaziabad and Faridabad in the state of Uttar Pradesh. It is a progressive proffering employment to thousands of young Indians, it is rather a hub for IT companies with desk jobs of 9-5 and more. However the city is too cluttered for a person to live peacefully without pollution and extreme traffic, apartments are crawling up the streets, newer buildings coming up every single day making the city look smaller. Crime rates have substantially increased with a rate of 61.54%, can you imagine how big a number that is? People are more prone to danger than being safe in their own houses even, this makes living terrible in Noida. All India Detective is a private detective agency in Noida which helps people hire a private detective in Noida itself for themselves.


Why do you need a private detective in Noida?

The answer to this lies in the facts and statistics provided by multiple websites, where they have shown several surveys which tell us how Noida is becoming unsafe every day, crime rates are increasing and cropping up the happiness of the city. Girls are scared of going out of their homes once it is dark, they are petrified by cases such as the Nirbhaya case that shook the whole nation to its roots. Detectives in India have become more active and aware of the situations happening around these days, they have taken up the cause of helping people get through their lives with a sense of trust and faith. All India Detective is the best detective agency in Noida rendering its services in different cases, following is a comprehensive list of all the services that it covers:

  1. Pre matrimonial Investigation
  2. Post matrimonial investigation
  3. Love affair
  4. Employment verification
  5. Sting operation
  6. Surveillance investigation
  7. Corporate investigation
  8. Divorce Investigation


Services provided by All India Detective

A crime has multiple facades and the criminal has a million, there is no sure shot why you can fall in love with someone and yet decide sanely if that person is actually worth your time and effort, you need a second opinion, rather a check to ensure you are with the right kind of person. All India Detective is the best private detective agency in India, serving to its clients with relevant proofs and studies of their respective cases helping them live a life free from negative people. If you have a lot of doubts as to which services to opt for in your case, here is a bit of brief about each and every service to make you clearer in your vision.

  1. Pre matrimonial investigation

Marriage is a holy bond celebrated by two people and their families, it is not just two people who get married, it is their families too because everything that they think or do will affect you in the long run. A dominating sister in law might not affect you right after you get married but she will try and mark her territory in the house post marriage. All India Detective is a detective agency in Noida which determines various aspects in a pre-matrimonial investigation which are crucial to the case and would reveal the true personality of the suspect. We provide a proper documentation with case studies on the suspect, voice recordings, video recordings and clips to back up the case fully. It is made sure that the case is solved. Either the suspect comes out to be clean or is revealed completely.


  1. Post matrimonial investigation

Once you get married, you think that it will be a bed full of roses every day. People ought to avoid the ill behavior of their partner and get used to it. But if you are suffering from a bad marriage, then you should take a stand for yourself. Do not ignore the behavior of your partner. If he/she is ignoring you, not paying enough attention, who knows what that person is up to? Your partner might be even cheating on you. We will help you by bringing you a team of best detectives in Noida. All India Detective is the most reputed private detective agency in India. Being a Detective agency in Noida we know the ins and outs of the city thoroughly. We can provide you with substantial proof of your partner’s actions.


  1. Love affair

8/10 people have cheated their partners one or the other time. Do you know that cheating contributes to becoming the largest reason for a divorce all over the world? Well, people lie, they hide and cheat, not all of them, but most do. All India Detective is a private detective agency in Noida which gets deep into the roots of a case. There are a few ways you can guess if your partner is having a love affair:

  • They ignore you
  • Not giving you enough time
  • They don’t respect your decisions
  • Hiding their social media accounts from you
  • Lying to you about random things

While you sit there just daydreaming about you getting married to them or maybe start a family someday, they might be cheating on you. One needs to keep his/her eyes open in a relationship. Love is a wonderful thing to be in, to cherish your relationship with someone. But it has to be worth it. Nevertheless, if you are getting cheated on, it is totally a waste of time and efforts.

  1. Employee verification

Lying over resumes have become a common trend these days. Getting a job in itself has become difficult. People write highly of themselves on their resumes, especially regarding their soft skills. Now there might be a chance someone is listed on the blacklist by a company they once worked with. However, you have zero knowledge about it. You must know the history of your employee, his/her temperament, work skills, and experience. All India Detective is one of the best detective agency in Noida. It provides other valuable investigations as well which includes corporate investigation and sting operations which could help your business/ company identify the ill-minded people you have around you.


  1. Sting operation

All India Detective is a detective agency in Noida which not only works for individuals but also for companies and large organizations. There are chances that you run a business and feel that there is someone who is causing your business a bad reputation or is taking advantage of your trust and diverting money to their own pockets. You can run a sting operation on them. All India Detective has a qualified team of detectives in Noida which run sting operations using the latest technologies. All you need to do is figure out if the suspect is behaving weirdly enough lately, it can be your own employee or an outsider. Sting operations not only reveal a person’s intentions but about all those who are connected to them. It might even be your own competitive company. The world has become a terrible place. People believe in stealing other people’s hard work. Creativity and innovation are long gone. Don’t suffer because someone else is taking advantage of your work. Reveal them with the help of one of the best private detective agencies in Noida NCR i.e All India Detective.


  1. Surveillance investigation

All India Detective uses high tech devices to investigate a case, we don’t just rely on the conventional methods of excel sheets and documentation. We use smart software, technologies that could detect fingerprints, recognize voices, tracking devices which could track a person’s in spot location. You can hire best detectives in Noida with us, we are a team of a professional private detective agency in Noida. We understand when you put in your money, time and efforts in a relationship, how crucial it is to you to have a trustworthy relationship.


  1. Corporate investigation

Is your company facing a decrease in the sales? Is your profit declining but you don’t know the exact reason? See through the history and past actions of your employees and make sure they are not doing anything against the company rules which might be harming your business. Hiring a private investigator in Noida isn’t a big task anymore. All India Detective is one of the largest private detective agencies in Noida NCR which renders detectives in Noida. It is sprawled across the whole nation to be exact, it works even offshore. So if you think there is a chance your international clients are creating a mess of your business we could run some digital tests to their emails and tap some of it.


  1. Divorce Investigation

We see cases every single day where people file a divorce and their partners bother them even more after that. Wondering how? Well, alimony money is a huge weapon people use after divorce. There are some people who value money over anything. Women are accused of taking a huge sum of money in the name of kids or their own survival. However, men are accused of not supporting their wife and kids after a divorce financially even after knowing how terrible the conditions are for them. This work both ways. Both partners must understand each other’s situations, even after a divorce. All India Detective is the detective agency in Noida that will help you sort issues with your partners. It will render its services in a personal as well as professional manner.



How can you book a case with All India Detective?

This is a simple process. It hardly takes 2-3 minutes to register a case with us online. You can visit the about us page or contact us page and get our contact number as well as email id. Drop a full mail regarding your case, the kind of investigation you are looking forward to or even just a two-liner email that you want help for a certain case. We completely understand your privacy if you want to keep your identity hidden but you need to update us on the suspect’s lifestyle. We can not conduct a thorough investigation unless we have the true knowledge about the suspect. To have a smooth follow up on your case, make sure you provide us with relevant details about it. We have an individual people who are highly skilled and talented private detective in Noida.

They have a background of some of the toughest jobs in India, for example, The Indian police, RAW, Indian Army. They have gone through rigorous physical training over the years. Having a mental capacity which is more enhanced than others definitely gives them an edge. Our detectives have the best analytical skills, reasoning capabilities, and logical thinking processes. They will delve in deep that a layman can not even think of.

You can give us a call on the number mentioned in the website and discuss with our investigators as to why you feel that your life is going down a bad road and who do you think is behind it. We are professionals who deal with personal as well as professional cases.


Read more about our services on our website

If you have doubts about whether or not you should go for an investigation, you should give a read to our service pages which will help you decide if you should go for a proper end to end the investigation. Your problem might seem too little to other people but we have seen the consequences when people avoid these little things. Go ahead and read for yourself some cases where our clients were initially damaged by the harsh truths that they discovered but later thanked us for. Human beings feel an emotional trauma whenever they are cheated on, lied to or manipulated. We tend to focus too much on the present that we forget if a simple thing could impact our future lives and change it forever. Book a case with All India  Detective to investigate on your suspects.


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    Phone: +91 9650722877

    Services We Provide

    Pre Matrimonial Investigation

    We investigate the deep roots of a person from their history to their past love affairs, any criminal records, behaviour temperament, financial and social status.

    Post Matrimonial Investigation

    Check on your partner’s personal details including their bills, travel, hidden data that could possibly damage your marriage. This Investigation could save up your relationship.

    Employees Verification

    Get a hang on the hidden statistics and facts with relevant proofs. End to end encrypted data about your employees ensuring they are working righteously.

    Loyalty Test Investigation

    Do you think your partner is cheating on you? Investigate with proper mediums and ways with us to get information about their hidden activities.


    Complete electronic surveillance is done using devices like television, wiretapping and radio to record activities of the suspected person.

    Undercover Detective

    It is required either for personal use or corporate. We place undercover agents in form of maids, servants, familiar neighbours for personal.

    Missing Person

    This is for those who have lost a dear one and think that there is much more to the case than what the police is offering.

    Sting Operation

    Corrupt people have taken over the world, if you want to investigate a person or set a company for sting operation, this is the right place.


    There has been an increase in the criminal and fraudulent activities in Noida. There are numbers of the detective agencies are established in order to safeguard the interest of the people. These detective agencies are responsible for providing the personal and corporate solutions with the widest amount of confidentiality and privacy.

    Who is the Detective?

    detective is actually an investigator. Investigators are the Private persons. They are also known by the name of the Private investigators . Some people give them names as ‘ Private eyes’.

    What are the various tasks that are performed by the detective?

    • A detective is the person who solves the crime.
    • The other task that is performed by the detective are missing people investigation.
    • The other task is premarital and post marital investigation.
    • These agencies are also performing other types of investigation just by examining and evaluating the clues and personal records in order to cover the identity and also provides the required information to their clients.

    Why most of the parents hire the detective agency for Prematrimonial investigation?

    • Most of the parents and family members are hiring private detectives for checking of the background, financial status and behavior of the family. This has been seen that there are large numbers of the boys and girls are coming closer via online chatting or different matrimonial sites. But they do not know each other,but they get decided to marry. In this case, the chances of the fraud are so much higher. This will lead to the unfortunate cases of Divorce. In this case, Matrimonial investigator plays the vital role in checking the character, lifestyle and financial status of the Bride or Groom. Most of the detective agencies always work in the form of 2- 3 detectives , who do the Matrimonial investigation and collect the physical evidences in the form of photographs, video recording and social media live results . These are very helpful to take the right decision.

    Why most of the corporate companies hire the undercover agent?

    There are large numbers of the corporate companies who hires detectives in order to find the status of the competitors’ health. These agencies plant the undercover agents in the rivalry companies. There are large numbers of corporate companies who hire the detective agencies in Noida for the different purposes such as pre and post employment verification, market research and asset verification etc..

    Why people hire the detective agencies in order to solve the undecided and mysterious cases?

    There are large numbers of the reasons to trace out the details about the undecided and mysterious cases. In this competitive scenario,morals and values have completely lost their importance. So, this has become essential to check the suspicious activities of the nearby, then the role of the detective agencies come into existence.

    Why detective agencies are famous in the metro cities?

    Metro cities are more indulged in illicit tasks such as crime, abductions, disloyalty in the relations. In these various cases , the role of the private agency comes into existence. Sometimes, police takes the matter casually . In this case, help from the detective agency to become essential.

    Why most of the couples hire the detective agency in order to know about the bride or groom?

    Marriage is the important aspect of one ‘s life . This will open the new dimensions of life,such as new means of thinking, living and behaving. This is the most significant thing in the human being. From our childhood, we mostly dream of the honest partner after the marriage. This is very essential that both boy and girl has the proper understanding in order to get indulged in the serious relation such as marriage. Most of the detective agencies are helpful in order to take the proper marriage decision. These agencies are helpful to establish the trust forever and these agencies provide the detail proofs about the actions of the partners. All the suspicious activities are very painful . These agencies handle all these matters in the most sensible way. If your prospective husband or wife are behaving abnormally, then these detective agencies will provide you the complete support in order to find out the reality. These agencies are responsible for providing the strong written and verbal proofs that they will capture in the form of recorders and videos. The investigation made by these detective agencies are very crucial, people like us, are not able to detect the truth that is found by them. So, take a sound decision in order to hire best detective agency in Noida.

    Why most of the people hire surveillance detective in order to solve critical cases?

    • Surveillance detectives are responsible to solve many cases.
    • Surveillance detectives are responsible for following any person smartly.
    • He smartly keeps track of the places visited, numbers of the person to meet and name of the persons.
    • Surveillance detectives are responsible for securing the evidences and safely hand over evidences to the clients.

    Why spy agency are more in demand?

    Most of the people hire the detectives,according to their needs. Investigation agency is faster than the police and government. Spy agency is responsible for personal and corporate investigation.

    Services provided by Spy Agencies:

    • Pre matrimonial investigation
    • Post matrimonial investigation
    • Extra marital affairs
    • Missing person investigation
    • Background check
    • Sting operation
    • Loyalty checks
    • Undercover operation
    • Property verification

    How to choose the most effective detective company in Noida?

    Effectiveness of detective company in Noida can be judged from the following different points:

    • Try to find out the positive reviews of the detective agency.
    • Then check that whether that detective company has the license or not.
    • You must make sure that that detective company must have an office.
    • Ask from that detective agency about the education and experience.
    • Then ask them about the secrecy and privacy.
    • Then ask about the previous successful history.
